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What is the cost?Please contact the studio at (315) 486-1545 or email us at
Where are you located?Our address is 7586 S State St, Lowville, NY 13620
What is Taekwondo?Taekwondo is a Korean martial art characterized by its emphasis on head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques in addition to an array of hand techniques. “Taekwondo” literally means “foot and hand way”. The name was coined around 1959 with the establishment of the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA). In 1973 the KTA supported the establishment of the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) to promote Taekwondo specifically as an international sport. Taekwondo has its roots in open-hand (weaponless) martial arts which can be traced back for hundreds of years. Most strikes in Taekwondo have the power to break bone, and even defensive blocks have the power of strikes. Students of all ages benefit from studying Taekwondo for its excellent cardiovascular workout, its self-defense techniques, and its contribution to one's personal improvement. Taekwondo became a demonstration event at the 1988 Olympic games in Seoul, and became an official medal event at the 2000 Olympic games in Sydney.
What do your colored belts mean?Every student starts with a white belt. After a few months, students may take their first test. They are tested on basic technique, forms, breaking etc. The sequence of belt colors are different in the many schools. In our schools the sequence is White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Red, Black. Between each color is a half-step represented by a stripe of the next color.
What does “Dan” mean? What are the bars on the black belts?"Dan" is a ranking system used in martial arts such as karate and judo, similar to a black belt. The word "dan" means "degree" or "step" in Japanese. The bars on black belts represent the level of dan rank. Typically, the higher the number of bars, the higher the dan rank. For example, a black belt with one bar may indicate a 1st dan rank, while a black belt with four bars may indicate a 4th dan rank. However, some organizations use different colors to indicate different dan ranks.
What are the age limits for becoming a Taekwondo student?There are none. Most young students are older than six years old though.
Is there any worldwide standard for ranks in Taekwondo?Our school is affiliated with the Universal Tae Kwon Do Association under Grand Master Soo Kon Kim, 9th Dan, President where all students will become members. As UTA students you will learn the forms and standards from the World Tae Kwon Do Federation.
Is Taekwondo really effective for self-defense?Yes. We take the self-defense aspect very seriously. It is explicitly part of our curriculum.
Is this really healthy for kids?Taekwondo can be a healthy activity for children, as it combines physical exercise with discipline and focus. Practicing taekwondo can help children improve their balance, coordination, strength, and flexibility. Additionally, the discipline and focus required in taekwondo can help children develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and teach them valuable lessons in respect and teamwork. However, it's important to keep in mind that while engaging in any physical activity is generally beneficial, every child is different and it's important to consider their individual needs, abilities and interests. It's also important to ensure that the instructor is qualified and that the class is run in a safe and appropriate environment for children. We have students that joined as kids and persevered through their black belts. They are really good people, and we think Taekwondo helped. And it’s really fun having the whole family involved!
Can you be injured? Are injuries common?Like any sport, injuries are possible. By teaching correct technique as a first priority, injuries are minimized. We make sure we warm up, cool down, and emphasize good body mechanics.
Is it a good cardio workout?Taekwondo is a high-intensity, full-body workout that can provide a good cardio workout. The constant movement and rapid kicking and punching motions used in taekwondo require a lot of energy and can increase the heart rate, which can improve cardiovascular fitness. Additionally, many taekwondo classes include a warm-up and cool-down period, which can help to further improve cardiovascular fitness. However, it's also worth noting that the intensity of a taekwondo workout can vary depending on the class and the instructor, so some classes may be more cardio-intensive than others. It's also worth considering that Taekwondo is a martial art not solely focused on cardio, it's also focused on developing skills and techniques, so it may not be the best choice if your goal is only cardio workout, other sports or activities such as running, swimming, cycling or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) could be more effective.
What is a stance?How we position our feet and body at any time is called a “stance”. There are many type of stances. Some of the ones you may see are: Forward Stance Fighting Stance Back Stance Tiger Stance Fixed Stance
What are you yelling, I can't understand it?All of our forms have Korean names. But, a yell before an attack or board-break is just a yell, called a Kiyup (kee-up). And we pick our own Kiyup.
What are blocks?A “block” is to counter a strike. In Taekwondo, every block is also a strike. Blocks may be closed-hand or open-hand. Some common blocks: Low-section block Mid-section block High-section block (rising block) X-block Palm block Pressing block Inner Crescent block Outer Crescent block
What are the types of hand strikes?Hand strikes may be closed hand, open hand or have special finger positions. Some of the closed-hand strikes you may see are: Horizontal Punch Vertical Punch Back Fist Hammer Fist Open-hand strikes may include: Outer Knife Hand Inner Knife Hand (or Ridge Hand) Spear Finger Arc Hand
What are the types of kicks?There are many kicks in Taekwondo. Some of the more common ones you may see are: Front Snap Side Thrust Front Round Hook Kick Reverse Round (or Spin Hook Kick) Axe Kick Inner Crescent Outer Crescent And there are jumping and spinning versions of all of the above!
Can you tell me more about the uniform?Dobok is the Taekwondo uniform. Do means "way" and bok means "clothing." The Taekwondo Dobok consists of pants, top and Tti (belt). Except for the belt, the pants and top are white in color. This is to symbolize the purity of the martial art. All students should wear the same Taekwondo uniform in order to better express their technique and individuality.
Can you tell me more about the belt?The Tti (belt) represents the purpose of the training and the degree of technique according to its color. The comparison of movement between people who have Dan (black belt) or Kup (colored belts) represents the difference in the body movement and mind. The belt that is tied around the waist connects the upper part and lower part of Taekwondo uniform and covers the center of the body. To wear the belt can help to deliver the power to the muscle that connect Meongmunhyul (acupunture point) of waist and body center of lower abdomen.
What is Qi Gong?Qi Gong (sometimes spelled Qigong) is a Chinese word that refers to a practice that combines physical movements, breathing techniques, and meditation. It is part of traditional Chinese medicine and has roots in Taoist, Buddhist, and Confucian philosophy. The practice is designed to promote physical and mental health, as well as spiritual growth. Qi Gong movements can range from simple, slow, and graceful to more complex and dynamic, and they can be performed standing, sitting, or lying down. The focus on the breath, combined with the movements and visualization techniques, is said to help regulate the flow of qi (life energy) in the body, balance the body's energy systems, and enhance overall well-being. Qi Gong is often considered a form of exercise, but it can also be used as a tool for self-healing, stress management, and spiritual development. It is widely practiced in China and other parts of Asia, and is becoming increasingly popular in Western countries as well.
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