Student Creed
I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or my physical health.
I intend to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others.
I intend to use what I learn in class constructively and defensively; to help myself and my fellow human, and to never be abusive or offensive.
Belts & Requirements
All students will become members of the Universal Tae Kwon Do Association. All belt ranks will be certified by Grand Master Soo Kon Kim, 9th Dan, President of the Universal Tae Kwon Do Association.
For each level of belt rank there is a test. Testing's are offered each month. Students that are ready will be allowed to test. Remember, time in a rank is important and each rank should be enjoyed. You will only be there once. Think of each rank as steps of a ladder and with each step your ability in the Martial Arts will become greater. Be patient with your progress and wear your rank with PRIDE.
As Universal Tae Kwon Do Association students you will learn the form (poomsae) of the World Tae Kwon Do Federation.
Base Forms Ki-Cho 1-3, Palgwae Forms 1-8, and Taegeuk Forms 1-8.

The Ki-Cho forms are the most basic, and are executed in an H pattern to give the student practice in performing the fundamental techniques of walking, turning, blocking, and punching in continuous sequence in all four directions. They begin and end the same place, and when performing them, the student should bear in mind as that their pattern represents the fact that we all are born as we shall die, naked, bringing nothing into the world and taking nothing out of it.
Form Types (Poomsae) Descriptions
"This is basic Poomse in Tae Kwon Do. "Taegeuk" represents the most profound Oriental philosophy from which Oriental philosophical views on the world, cosmos, and life are derived. "Tae" means "bigness", while "Geuk" means "Eternity." Thus, Taegeuk has no form, no beginning and no ending. Nevertheless, everything comes from Taegeuk. In other words, it is something that contains the essence of everything.
Thoughts of Taegeuk is the principal thought of the Jooyeok, Book of Changes, which is one of the leading books on Oriental philosophy. Out of Taegeuk are derived eight major branches of philosophical theories, each of which is represented by a respective Chinese character. Taegeuk, Poomse 1 through 8 of Tae Kwon Do, are based upon these eight principal theories. Accordingly, movement lines in these scenes are represented by 8 symbols and we move along the lines.
The vital points of this Poomse are to perform precise movements coordinated with the proper breath control. Thus, we can fully realize the main thought of Taegeuk."
The Palgwae Forms refer to a philosophy of universal being, which comprehends Truth as a constant within the phenomenon of an ever-changing cosmos.
Inherent in the concept of "form", in this context, is the awareness that the universe is infinite and unknowable, having no apparent ties binding it together -- and yet some integrating force of cosmic cohesion keeps order; Movement within perceptible patterns, energy within stillness, lines of force inscribed within circles of harmony, yielding an integral strength. By merely being so, life is sustained within it. The constancy of truth, and the truth of constant change, are both symbolized in the Palgwe Forms.
The principle of Palgwe is that one who knows himself and his environment, and who understands the three Dos, will find the path of harmony between the changeable forces of the world in which he lives and the constant values of human ethics. Such a man will act effectively in the world, without falling into moral error.
Palgwe means "Law, Command", and as the Tae Kwon Do practitioner executes the Palgwe Forms, he is obliged to bear in mind the reciprocal commands they represent, which may be translated as follows:
Know yourself, and be in harmony with the universe.
Be responsible for yourself, and loyal to your commitments.
Be respectful of your relationships; know the limits beyond which your freedom encroaches upon the freedom of another.
Be pure in motive, and direct in action.