Student Creed
I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or my physical health.
I intend to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others.
I intend to use what I learn in class constructively and defensively; to help myself and my fellow human, and to never be abusive or offensive.
Individual Fundamental Techniques
Individual Fundamental Techniques are the alphabet of Tae Kwon Do; the forms are its grammar.
The formal exercises of Tae Kwon Do have evolved over many hundreds of years, and they serve many practical purposes. It is a basic principle of Tae Kwon Do that the body and spirit are one and indivisible, and that purification of the spirit can be achieved by disciplining, tempering, and training the body. Developed in these formal exercises are three elements of Tae Kwon Do:
- Movement, which requires stretching for flexibility;
- Speed, which requires the perfection of precise techniques;
- and Power, which requires training for strength and coordination.
The diligent practice of the formal exercises helps to develop these important characteristics in a variety of ways:
The formal exercises develop physical and spiritual concentration, and train you to concentrate your soul in each given instant of life, so that you can borrow from your life force and mobilize it at the critical instant.
Practiced conscientiously, the Poom-Se are a type of active meditation, which provides both spiritual and physical experience.
They help to temper the body and make it flexible.
They develop rhythm and timing, and thus create smooth and efficient motion.
They help to perfect individual fundamental techniques.
The forms train you to combine those techniques so that they work effectively together in combination.
They develop balance, accuracy, and endurance.
They help weave defensive and offensive techniques into one coordinated whole.
They develop patience, passivity, and an understanding of the deep meaning of the art.
They develop confidence and speed.
They help to develop a "sixth sense" of perception and intuition.
They simulate active combat, enabling you to fight more than one assailant from any direction for as long as necessary without tiring.
In learning the forms, it is important to keep in mind that it is far better to master one form and be able to apply it properly than to learn great numbers of forms imperfectly.
The following points should be observed in the performance of all formal exercises:
Execute each position CLEANLY and COMPLETELY before going on to the next; do not run any two positions together.
Breathe regularly throughout the form, using the diaphragm rather than the chest, and exhale simultaneously with the last action in each position.
Keep your fists tight and your body relaxed. Throughout the forms, your body should be relaxed, except at the instant you complete each block, punch, strike, and kick, when your whole body should be locked into tense focus on that action.
While standing at attention, before beginning the form, take a deep breath, using the diaphragm, not the chest, and concentrate on what you are about to do.
Basic Forms
Down Block
Inside Center Block (Front Stance & Back Stance)
High Block
Inside Center Block/High Block
Down Block/High Block
Down Block/Inside Center Block
Down Block/Inside Center Block/High Block
(All of the above are to be executed with a Reverse Punch as well.)
Outside Block (Front Stance, Back Stance, & Horse Stance)
(All of the above to be executed with a Back Fist as well.)
Inner Forearm Block (Front Stance & Back Stance)
Reverse Outside Block
Reverse Inside Block
Palm Pushing Block
Single Center Punch
Double Center Punch
Triple Center Punch
Reverse Center Punch
Side Punch (Horse Stance)
Extended Knuckle Punch
Tiger's Mouth
Spear Fingers to the Eyes
High Spear Hand
Middle Spear Hand
Low Spear Hand
Ridge Hand
Circular Knife Hand Block
Double Knife Hand Block (Back Stance)
Double Downward Knife Hand Block (Back Stance)
Double Downward Hammer Fist (Back Stance)
Re-Enforced Center Block (Back Stance and Front Stance)
Back Fist (Front Stance & Back Stance)
Inside Hammer Fist (Front Stance & Back Stance)
Outside Hammer Fist (Front Stance & Back Stance)
Elbow Strike (Front Stance & Back Stance)
Low X-Block
Middle X-Block
High X-Block
Spreading Block
Spreading Block w/an Upset Punch
Palm Heel Strike
Palm Heel Strike w/a Palm Guard
Long Knife Hand Strike (Front Stance & Back Stance)
Long Knife Hand Strike wa Palm Guard (Front Stance only
Short Knife Hand Strike (Front Stance & Back Stance)
Snap Kick/Single Center Punch
Snap Kick/Double Center Punch
Snap Kick/High Block/Reverse Punch
Skip Center Kick (Back Stance)
Skip Center Kick w/a Double Punch
Skip Center Kick w/a Double Punch and an Inside Block
Skip Center Kick w/a Double Punch and a Back Fist
Counting in Korean
One – Hana
Two – Dul
Three – Set
Four – Net
Five – Dasut
Six -Ya-Sut
Seven – Il-Go
Eight – Yu-Dul
Nine – Ah-Hoe
Ten - Yul